We're Months Away From The Start Of College Hoops And Hunter Dickinson Is Already Talking Shit About Illinois

Is this going to piss people (my pal Carl) off? Absolutely. But I love it. We need more guys like Hunter Dickinson and I'm not just saying that because he's a Barstool fan. Hell, the Illinois coaching staff are all Barstool fans so it's a wash there. Mostly, I just want guys not to be afraid to talk shit. You're not going to hear me complain about Hunter Dickinson here. In fact you're going to hear me encourage this. Honestly, Kofi needs to fire back and talk shit about Michigan and Dickinson. Get Brad Underwood and Juwan Howard saying things under their breath about it. Having some animosity and rivalries is good for sports. We need more of it. This is especially true when you have two of the better programs in the Big 10 that can go at it. 

Honestly, if I'm Illinois here I'm embracing this. You don't like us? Good, we don't want anyone to like us. Don't pretend like you were cool with Dee Brown and Luther Head and Roger Powell and Deron Williams. Every single person in the fanbase should want to be a villain. It means your program is starting to do something right and I've said it before. College hoops is simply better when Illinois is relevant. That's even more true with Underwood there. He's a personality. He can fire people up. I want Illinois to be good and to be a villain. It's fun - trust me, it's really fun when everyone hates your team and you're good. Don't get upset that Hunter said everyone in the Big 10 can't stand you guys. Embrace it, run with it and be prepared to talk shit to Hunter Dickinson and everyone else this year. 

PS: This is why college basketball is better when Illinois is good and relevant. One of the best environments that I can remember watching on my TV and we're 16 years removed. 

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